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Electronic Device Policy

Cell Phone, Electronic Device and Audio Listening Device Policy 

Cell Phones/ Other Communication Devices 

Students may use a cell phone or portable communication devices during designated times and in designated areas. Designated times would include before the 8:15 morning formation, during their scheduled lunch period, and after the dismissal bell. Students may only use a cell phone or communications devices in the cafeteria, gym, and courtyards. During class and on the school bus cell phones or communication devices must be turned off (not on vibrate mode) and stored out of sight in pockets, book bags, backpacks, etc. Using a cell phone or telecommunication device may include but not be limited to text messaging, taking pictures, receiving and/or sending calls. 

Students using or having cell phones or telecommunication devices visible at non authorized times or in non authorized areas will have their cell phone or communication device confiscated. It will be returned to the student at the end of the day or the item may be picked up by the parent or guardian after school no sooner than 24 hours after it was initially confiscated. The confiscated items may only be picked up from the administrator who confiscated the item or whom the item was given once confiscated by a teacher or staff member. Please keep in mind that the student will begin to have infractions documented under the Progressive Discipline Plan starting with the first offense. The parent must leave the school property with the confiscated item in their possession. 

Students using a cell phone or telecommunications device to illegally enhance their own or another student’s academic performance or to engage in any other illegal and/or unethical manner shall be banned from having such a device for the remainder of their attendance in a CCSD school. 

School personnel and/or administrators are not responsible for the loss, theft or damage of any cell phone or telecommunication device brought onto school property. 

Headphones, Head Sets, Ear Buds or other Audio Listening Devices Policy 

Headphones, Head Sets, Ear Buds or other Audio Listening Devices should be stored in the lockers at all times. The use of these aforementioned personal devices will not be permissible during the normal school day once students enter the school building. Students using or having these devices visible will result in the devices being confiscated. 

First Offense: Referral, item confiscated and it will be returned to the student at the end of the day. 

Second Offense: Referral, item confiscated and the item may be picked up by the parent or guardian after school no sooner than 24 hours after it was initially confiscated. The confiscated items may only be picked up from the administrator who confiscated the item or whom the item was given once confiscated by a teacher or staff member. The parent must leave the school property with the confiscated item in their possession. 

Third Offense: Referral, item confiscated and the item may be picked up by the parent/guardian/student at the end of the 2019-2020 Academic Year. 

School personnel and/or administrators are not responsible for the loss, theft or damage of any Headphones, Head Sets, Ear Buds or other Audio Listening Device brought onto or confiscated on school property. 

Any exceptions to this regulation must be approved in advance in writing by the principal.