Cell Phone Policy
Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to create a school environment that fosters a positive learning experience free from electronic distractions. By prohibiting the use of personal electronic devices during the school day, this policy aims to provide an environment that enhances focus and engagement, allowing Cadet Scholars to develop the college and career-ready skills outlined in the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate. Cadet Scholars will have more opportunities to engage in meaningful interactions, collaborate with peers, and cultivate the essential skills necessary for success in college, careers, and life. This policy has been developed in compliance with the General Appropriations Bill, H.5100 of 2024 Proviso 1.103 and is applicable to grades kindergarten through twelve for the 2024-2025 school year.
I. Definitions:
A. Personal Electronic Device: A “personal electronic device” (hereinafter referred to as “device”) is any device utilized to access the internet, Wi-Fi, cellular telephone signals, or to capture images or video. This includes, but is not limited to, cell phones, smartwatches, tablets, and gaming devices.
B. Personal Electronic Device Accessories: “Personal electronic device accessories” (hereinafter referred to as “device accessories”) include any wired or wireless accessory or wearable technology that connects to a device, and any other accessory commonly used in conjunction with a personal electronic device.
C. School Day: The “school day” is defined as the period of time that a student is present on the school campus from their arrival (i.e., tardy bell) until afternoon dismissal at the end of the instructional day. For Military Magnet Academy, this is 8:30 AM to 3:45 PM and includes lunchtime.
D. Access: “Access” is defined as viewing, holding, wearing, or otherwise using a device for the purpose of communication, internet access, gaming, recording, or any other function commonly associated with devices. During the school day, devices should be powered off and stored in lockers, backpacks, or pockets (out-of-sight). Exceptions granted for medical necessity, authorized classroom use, or other authorized reasons are not considered violations of this definition.
II. Middle School Policy:
- Cadet Scholars will turn in their cell phones during homeroom to their homeroom teacher and/or grade-level tactical office.
- The phones will be stored in the secured phone locker and returned at the end of the school day
- Cadet Scholars that bring a note to school to be signed out early and school organization members (athletes, band, special units) must leave their phones in the main office to avoid disrupting their homeroom teacher when reporting to the office for sign-out.
- Cadet Scholars WILL NOT HAVE ACCESS to their phones during the day including lunchtime.
- Cadet Scholars who fail to turn in their phones will face consequences per the CCSD Progressive Discipline Plan.
III. High School Policy:
- All High school cadet scholars will turn in their cell phones during A.M. homeroom, where they will be secured in a locked storage compartment. High school cadets will report to P.M. homeroom at 3:40 PM to retrieve cellular and electronic devices.
- Cadet Scholars that bring a note to school to be signed out and school organization members (athletes, band, special units) must leave their phones in the main office to avoid disrupting their homeroom teacher when reporting to the office for sign-out.
- Cadets attending the Cooper River Center for Advanced studies will;
Morning Session: Upon arrival to campus, Cadets will turn cell phones in for security to the main office. They will retrieve their cell phone at the end of the day following dismissal.
Afternoon Session: Cadets will return to homeroom upon return to campus to retrieve cellular devices and/or other electronic devices\
4. Seniors with late-in/early-out privileges as well as any student arriving to school late after HR has ended will follow the same procedure, leaving their phones in the main office upon arrival and picking them up before departure.
5. The main office will maintain a locked cell phone storage case to securely stored phones.
6. Cadets WILL NOT HAVE ACCESS to their phone during the day including lunch time.
7. Cadet Scholars who fail to comply with this policy will face consequences per the CCSD Progressive Discipline Plan.
IV. Communication and Implementation:
- Dr. Perrineau and MMA Administration conducted Cell Phone Policy review with all enrolled cadet scholars and faculty. (December 2024).
- MMA Administration meet with all Cadet Scholars upon return in January to reset expectations and reinforce compliance of the Cell Phone Policy Proviso.
- The middle school has already implemented this policy, so the transition curve is expected to be less significant compared to the high school.
- MMA Faculty will engage in continuous re-teaching of expectations as necessary to ensure consistent adherence to the policy during the transition period January 2025.
- Cadets attempting to deceive school personnel by using “alternate” devices as defined in the policy be administered consequences per the CCSD Progressive Discipline Plan.